Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fellow Traveler

As I was settling into my seat on the plane from Omaha to Denver, a man in his late twenties, early thirties sat down in the seat next to me and placed a Lonely Planet guide book to Australia in the seat pocket in front of him. Excited, I promptly asked him if he was traveling to Australia too! He was. He said he'd saved up some money, quit his job, and is going to backpack in Australia for a few months. He has no set plans for this trip; just going to stay in hostels and hopefully meet other tourists to travel with. We talked about Australia for a good portion of the flight. This made me realize how much background research I did NOT do. He let me borrow his book and I read up on some Queensland history. This made me feel more informed.


  1. Cool, what a coincidence! Glad you learned some history.

    Funny story: I learned almost NO Italian before studying in Italy, and I vividly recall Stevie and I trying to learn important phrases, like "Where is the bathroom", on the plane.
