Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back in Cairns

On Saturday afternoon, we returned to Cairns from a weeklong camping trip with our two aboriginal guides, Russ and Ian. We camped on the Jumban community's land, which is about an hour and three quarters outside Cairns. They us and taught us about traditional aboriginal culture and how to throw boomerangs and spears. Russ also showed us how to start fire from rubbing sticks, and to identify certain medicine trees and edible plants. We also went fishing, painted boomerangs, and did a lot of swimming. We were not allowed to bring cameras on the trip, or any other electronics including watches. The point of the trip was to relax and learn about aboriginal culture.
On Saturday night, we went out to celebrate Gwen's 21st birthday. Another fun night in Cairns, but we are still in search of a bar where all the locals go.
Sunday morning we all went out to breakfast and then to the lagoon for a quick swim. We stupidly left all of our belongings unattended while we swam and when we got out of the pool all of our stuff was gone! We filed a police report and it turns out they caught the whole thing on hidden camera that happened to be pointing in our direction, but they never caught the guys. They found Erin's purse in the bathroom and it had a bunch other people's stuff in it, including an epi pen. There were four girls in our group that got their purses stolen and a few other people who were at the lagoon also came to the police station saying that their stuff was stolen. Although I lost my wallet with cash and debit cards in it, luckily I found my driver's license in my back pocket from the night before.

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