Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snorkeling and Somehow Sunburned

Today, we got up at 6:45am to go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef about a hour and ten minutes off the Cairns coastline. The morning started out cloudy, but once we got out to the open ocean, the sun was shining and the water was a clear turquoise color. Before getting into the water we all put on stinger suits, which protected us from jellyfish as well as the powerful UV rays. Despite this precaution, however, we ALL somehow managed to get burned...likely from sitting on the deck in between dives and soaking up the sun reflected off the ocean. We'll have to be more careful next time and heed the captain's warning--there really is no protective o-zone layer over Australia. The sunburn was well worth the spectacular views underwater; the coral was beautiful and fish were fascinating to observe. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see any sharks or stingrays, but I have faith that I'll see some at Lizard Island. I'll admit that I was somewhat apprehensive about the extensive snorkeling we would be doing this semester, given that I despise jumping into cold water and fear swimming in open ocean where I can't see land. However, the ocean water here is quite warm and the coral makes the water seem more shallow. This snorkeling excursion certainly made me more excited for our 10 day reef module at Lizard Island.
Tonight, we are celebrating Rachel's 21st birthday so we are off to dinner and then the Wool Shed bar for some fun!

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