Monday, April 26, 2010

ANZAC Weekend

This past Sunday was ANZAC day, a national day of remembrance to honor members of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps who fought in Turkey during WWI.
On Friday, Rachel and I went to a footie (rugby) game. The North Queensland Cowboys played the Parramatta Eels. This was a Rugby League match, which is somehow very different from Rugby Union and AFL. The Cowboys are the home team and people are pretty crazy about them here. Their jerseys sell for no less than $160, yet half the crowd was wearing them.
The Cowboys ended up losing, but it was a very close game. Rugby is by far the most brutal and rugged game I have ever watched.

On Saturday, we met up with Darren, our reef instructor from Lizard Island. He is working on his PhD at JCU in Townsville. He took us to his friend's housewarming party, which was a blast! Everyone there was studying marine biologist at JCU from all over the world. This was a legit party, complete with a full DJ set-up. Good music and friendly company made for a very fun night.

Sunday, we were a bit incapacitated, but we managed to make it out of the house and to the farmers' market to pick up some vegetables for the week. There, we saw our friend, Ian (not our house-mate Ian), who was one of our guides during the Aboriginal Camping trip. He introduced us to his family and we made plans to have dinner at his house later this week.

Since Monday was a national holiday (if a holiday lands on a Sunday Australians always take the following Monday off), we met our adviser, Ray Berkelmans, at the Ross River to water ski with his family. They own a small speed boat and go out on the river almost every weekend. We spent the day tubing and today my arms are very soar.

Back to work now, after a delightful ANZAC weekend.

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