Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Magnetic Island

After 3 days of working at AIMS, our boss informed us that his day off was on Monday and that we wouldn't have to come in to work. We had a 3-day weekend after a stressful (hah) 3-day work-week. We went out on Friday night and were very disappointed with the T-ville nightlife-- everyone seemed like they were 12 years old, horrible techno music blared from every club, and most of the clubs smelled like moldy carpet. On Saturday morning, feeling bummed about the night before, Rachel and I decided to go to Magnetic island for the rest of the weekend. After all, we'd had a long, productive week and deserved a relaxing tropical island holiday. We found a sweet deal that included a round trip ferry ride, two nights at the hostel, dinner, breakfast, a drink, and snorkel gear, all for $94.
We swiftly bought the tickets, packed, and headed to the ferry. We stayed at an enormous backpackers' hostel right on the beach overlooking the ocean. On Sunday morning we decided to rent scooters so we could go all around the island to snorkel. After spending 2 hours at the scooter rental place (this was a very inefficiently run business), we decided that we were too scared to drive them and got a lift back to the hostel to go snorkeling in the reef there. Well that was covered in algae so we took the bus to Florence Bay. After walking in the wrong direction for 15 minutes, we pulled out our map to try and decipher our location. Almost instantly, a big 30year old Ford slowed down and an old woman rolled down her window. She asked us if we needed a lift anywhere. She and her 87 year old husband drove us around the island and showed us all the good snorkeling spots. We never really got to go snorkeling, however, since we had to return the gear by 4:45, but nonetheless, this was quite the experience.

The next morning we went for a hike and then relaxed at the beach for most of the day, returning to Townsville that evening.

A delightful hiatus this was from our less than stimulating jobs.

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